Waiting for the cable guy...
June 11, 2003 @ 10:04 a.m.

Had to get up at 9:30 am on my day off...for a fucking cable guy to come and 'take a look' to tell us that something's most definitely wrong with our cable since it randomly shuts off and makes funny noises and freezes all the time. But it's cool cuz we get to pay $60 a month for it, so at least the money's not wasted.

I feel like one of those people...that thinks they're all high and mighty and better than other people, but in some cases I guess I do. I have a problem with those real immature kids...mostly those suicidal ones that are depressed 24/7 for attention. I used to be one of them, although not to such an extreme, so I partly know where they're coming from, but jesus christ it makes me so sick. The Cold chatroom is plagued with them, so oftentimes I go there and have to leave soon after cuz I can't take the madness anymore.

Now I have friends...who are younger...and maybe immature but I'm okay with that, just that one thing pisses me off. Like Krammy said yesterday I think it was...there's no reason for ANY one person to be depressed all the time. Fuck pessimism, people, grow a fucking smile and make someone ELSE happy, cuz it's not all about you!

Thank you, thank you.

I went and took the first half of my 5-hour course yesterday. I was stuck in a room full of about 20 16-year-olds, one lady who reminded me completely of Ian's mom (and I thought for a minute maybe it was her and he sent her there to spy on me...CUZ ITS FUCKIN ALL ABOUT ME!! :D ), a lady who didn't speak English (which I was really pissed about because she got the same credit I did for taking the course, and a guy who lives in the apartment here was there too.

For the first half hour we did absolutely nothing because the lady wasn't paying attention while she was collecting the money and someone didn't pay. She also lost the lady's receipt that didn't speak English!

Hahah for those of you who Spackenkilled it up, Dennis Farell's away msg says "To me fuckin is like racin, I always get a HEAD start." And I find that FUNNY, okay? So laugh. At least smile, you schizo.

Oh so then at 7pm the class started, and it was the same teacher I had two years ago, so he went through the exact same jokes, 'neat' facts, movies, pictures, and news articles. Time went by soooooo slow. I was sitting in the back row and got all comfortable with my seat out and all and then some chick walks in 30 mins late and I had to move to make room for her. So pissed. Cuz then I had to sit upright, and it gave me some horrid memories of high school.

You ever notice that as you get older, the desks get smaller? In kindergarten you probably either had the entire floor, or a huge table to share with your friends. Then those nifty flip-top ones with the lil pencil groove in the top. Then smaller and smaller. Now that I'm at college we have those ones that are maybe 6 inches wide and either right- or left-handed because they only made enough desk to cover one third of your body.

I wanted to walk home from the class cuz it was a beautiful night out and I live a whopping two blocks away. That was the arrangement with my mom, anyway. So I start walking, not even looking at the cars and as I walk by, she honks the horn. Scared the crap out of me, but then I had to ride...I WANTED TO WALK DAMMIT! And of course I didn't wear my seatbelt cuz it was just pounded into my head for two hours that I MUST wear my seatbelt in the car. A girl's gotta rebel bout something, you know.

So that's pretty much it. I wish the cable guy would get here so I could take a shower. Who knows, maybe he can even join me ;)

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.oO Dig Into The Past Oo.
WEEE - February 12, 2005
- - August 01, 2004
Goodbye - April 22, 2004
- - March 12, 2004
The spiderman flies five fighters - March 05, 2004

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