Shuttup Gramma
June 03, 2003 @ 9:58 p.m.

So..I literally JUST got home from muh gramma's house. I love her and all, but I had some pretty terrible times today. First off, my gramma is an incredibly sick woman. If she stands up for ten minutes, she starts huffing and puffing and moaning and groaning and MUST sit down before she falls over. Of course on top of that, she always tries to do things she can't do because, like many old people, she's in denial that anything is really wrong with her. You don't do that with me, and I told her not to, because she has to come to her senses and realize that she can't do everything she once could, and she's only hurting herself and everyone around her by trying to do so.

The worst is that once something bad happens, and she has to beg somebody for a place to sit down or something to lean on, she breaks down into a crying fit, which is very uncomfortable for both herself and everyone around her. It's not a pleasant sight.

Also, she acts like everything is the end of the world. Today, we got locked out of the house and she had a fucking huge breakdown, like there was absolutely NOTHING we could do. She was yelling that her husband is a jackass for locking the basement door when he knew she was home, and that he was a jackass for not leaving a cell phone outside....Who leaves a cell phone outside for no reason?? It's not like we were in the middle of nowhere, either. If need be, we could go to the neighbors and use their phone to call somebody else who has a key. She told me to throw a rock at their screen door and unlock the latch and get in that way, but that woulda been a disaster, so I searched thru one (of their three) minivans and found a garage door opener and VOILA we could get inside!

She was rude to just about everyone she came across, but after a couple hours of that I had a lil angry word with her, which probably did absolutely nothing. I see it all the time with my family, but in my eyes, if someone's being rude to you (specifically someone you don't know), you're not gonna win them over by being mean back. It certainly isn't gonna make them be nice to you, which is what you want, correct? I mean, it's kinda like that thing where if you're in a fight with someone, and you act all calm, it'll be almost impossible for them to stay heated and yelling at you for very long.

Well my mom just got home, and I realized I was ranting and raving when it's probably nothing you guys wanna read about :) She was nice some of the time and I took her speed-racing thru Home Depot on their lil wheelchairs and she let me drive all day...and she was happy I didn't crash, and ...well I'm gonna go now!

Have a good night all, and polite!

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