June 03, 2003 @ 1:12 a.m.

Hiiiii. I just watched Shallow Hal and it made me cry! Well...yeah. I'm just glad I saw it because now I know where the "Oh Billy" came from. Now I just can't remember who says that. I think..maybe my brother? and maybe Alex? and I'm pretty sure Kevin does, too. Well...anyway, just next time I hear it, I'll be happy to finally be in the loop! :D

I've been workin..un poco. I dunno...stuff. I just read Krammy's diary and she said everyone has to leave when scheduled and all that crap and that's a problem cuz I stayed an extra like...uhh 2 1/2 hours today cuz I didn't have a ride home! Well I guess if I really tried, I would, I'm just embarrassed to ask people for rides (shh).

I got a letter from Daniel today! That was exciting, because mail always is exciting.

I also talked to my gramma (dad's mom) and my dad, which I haven't in a long time! I love catching up with people, cept I think my pappy was a lil drunk and he was bein a bit of a dick, but we still lasted for maybe 40 mins. This weekend is my cousin's (the lil cute baby Aidan's) first birthday party! I really hope I can go, but as of now (like always), I don't have a ride. If I can, I'll be all excited to see the family again.

My brother obligated me to go see my OTHER gramma tomorrow, though...on my day off! I planned on sleeping all late, and she comes and tells me she wants me to call by 11am to make plans...are you fucking for real??

I think a dirty movie is on, my apologies but BYE!

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.oO Dig Into The Past Oo.
WEEE - February 12, 2005
- - August 01, 2004
Goodbye - April 22, 2004
- - March 12, 2004
The spiderman flies five fighters - March 05, 2004

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