Birthday Camping
May 11, 2003 @ 4:08 p.m.

Ohhh I went away..

I went to my lil sister's (Kayla's) birthday party yesterday morning. We were a fashionable 45 minutes late, but no one really gave us grief.

It was great seeing everyone again. My lil bro (Brendan) has become a spoiled little brat and that kinda made me sad, but maybe he'll grow out of it? Kayla was cute. She tries to be a mom, and I was just really sweet.

It was at this children's museum and had all these really cool exibit things. If i was a kid, I'd be in heaven!

I got talking to this girl. I don't know what her name was or who she was, but she looked like 17...and had a 6 year old kid and a 3 year old, so I scratched that idea. I thought it'd be rude to ask how old she was, but I really wanted to know. We got talking so much, it was nice, but I sorta wanted to be with my family and all...I just couldn't bring myself to get up and leave.

On our way home, Chris' cell rings and it's my mom. She asked if I wanted to go camping with her and Tyke that night, so I said sure..and that was that.

As soon as I got home, I had to go pack (5 minute packing skillz!) and then we left.

We went up to the Catskill mountains to some was real purdy. We did a lil hiking and bonding and whatnot.


Uhmm yeah, trying to go to sleep I had a lil asthma attack. So I was up probably 2-3 hours past anyone else. I got back outta bed and sat by the fire (I re-made one) alone and...stared at it. I was a lil tipsy cuz I had been drinkin white russians all night. They're so good! made the coals look really cool though--they were talking to me!

Yeah, there are lots of details I could go into, but don't have the energy right now. I took lots of pictures, but they're on my other computer, so if I ever download the DSL hookup to my laptop, I can show anybody that wants to seeeeeee.

Happy Mumpa's Day to all those Mumpas out there!

Bye bye

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