Used Panties Anyone?
2003-04-07 @ 5:55 p.m.

Haha Oh dear...I decided I had to put up a new entry just to show you this. They're lovely panties from Mr. Justin. I say you all should compete for these. I wonder if there's a lot of items in the section of ebay :/

Okay now I have to dig up more to say :)

It was predicted that we'd get 5-9 inches of snow today. We got 0. Not even a dusting covering the ground. It snowed for maybe an hour..just lil light flurries...and they all got melted away into the lil ground!! Then it poured rain today. I don't mind the snow, but rain when it's 30 degrees out sucks was so yucky. I had to walk across campus for like ten mins so I was a wet schloppy joe ...SOGGY!!

Last night was nice :D ...I was really really REALLY hyper!! Chelsea didn't come home, and I was bouncing around like crazy. It felt like I drank because I ate spicy chicken (I don't eat spicy foods a lot!!) and the fact that I was so happy...but then some head-thrashing decided to make everything spin and I got real dizzy and had to lay on the floor. It was all good tho, cuz I'm a good sport and got up and did it again!! Ohhh yeah...good sport...or stupid...whichever term you feel more comfortable using. And Teph was being molested by horny porn-watching men!! I hope she's still alive to talk about it ;)


The roomie also went out today to buy a car. I'm not sure if she will or not...but I'm happy for her. I can't wait to get my first car. Of course...she said "It's not an expensive one--only $6,000." Maybe that's not expensive for a car, but for a first-time car that's a hell of a lot more money than I'll be fuckin paying!! I'm thinking more along the lines of $600 :P

Tomorrow I'm going to Pittsburgh!! I'm going to shadow ...or not really shadow, but observe a children's home facility. I took out all the paperwork yesterday and now I can't find it..figures! Anyway, we leave at 8am and don't get back till like it's gonna be a long day and don't expect me to be around!

Ahh I have this turtleneck I'm gonna wear (cuz we have to dress up...and turtle necks are superb for dress-up!)and I tried it on today ( be safe!) and it totally got caught in my earring and was like ripping it out and it hurt soooooo bad and once I got it uncaught, the fucker (hoop) came undone so...I can't explain it, but it was a bitch to get back.

*Edit* Don't member if I said this before or not, but Crobbin's home safe..and I talked to Mumpa and she said Jersey is very nice, but that Chica's flippin a wigget!! Just thought I'd let you know :P BYE!

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.oO Dig Into The Past Oo.
WEEE - February 12, 2005
- - August 01, 2004
Goodbye - April 22, 2004
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The spiderman flies five fighters - March 05, 2004

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