Silly...I know you're silly
2003-04-06 @ 11:59 a.m.

'ey! You're all wondering whether they came, right??....actually most of you know cuz I was so excited, but MY BUTTONS CAME!!! I had nowhere to put them so I slapped them on my purse (that I never use...), but I ordered a new backpack yesterday, hopefully I'll have that too!! I've had the same lil shroomie patches on my backpack for over four years now, and I'm kinda excited about changing them. I have a bag full of patches I could put on there!! I have...SMURFS!!! The patches probably won't look good together though :( OH WELL!!

I also ordered two fraggle rock shirts yesterday. I feel really guilty about it, but I basically said "fuck it" cuz I don't usually spend too much money on myself, and if I do go shopping, I'll almost never buy something if it's full price. It doesn't seem worth it to me, cuz I know when I go home I'm not gonna like it anymore, or it's gonna shrink or something! So these shirts better be fuckin worth it! :P Oh, oh, the site is if any of ya wanna check out some 80s shiznick!

I also registered for ebay, which could be troublesome. I browsed thru the stuff yesterday and really didn't see anything that I had to have, but I've heard it's very addictive, so we'll see!!

I want...tie dye...really cool tie dye. Some of it is so ugly...but you need to see it in the flesh/fabric. I dunno...there's just something about tie dye that's amazing!

I talked to Crobbin again last night. He stopped at 9am in North Carolina or something at a hotel. Slept until 5pm and then hit the road again. We talked for a while, but he was making me laugh SOOOO fuckin hard, I was actually having trouble breathing.

First off he was singing...not like normal singing...he was making it up as he went along, and singing like he belonged in a boyband. Considering that he's pretty much a 'wigger' if you wanna call it that, it was funny. Then he's talkin to the dog in a baby voice...and for the same reason that was enough to make me laugh. But then...then he starts telling me this story about how he eliminated some fecal matter onto the floor of some lounge. I don't think it's funny that he did it..cuz I get pissed even when he spits on the floor inside, but you had to hear the way he phrased everything. And the fact that he was so casually telling me about him crapping his pants!! If he ever gets engaged, it'll be a great story to tell his fiancee, that's for damn sure!!

I watched Pulp Fiction last night, and I can honestly say, I didn't get it. I don't know what it was about the movie, it was good, but I just didn't get it. And that's about all I have to say about that!

Hey, if anyone wants to help me and bring boxes here so I can LEAVE, feel free!! I think I only have like three boxes..and a LOT of stuff! Nevermind the clothes cuz I just bring them all on hangers...but I'm looking around and almost scared about all the crap I have to take home. We came in a van that was pretty damn full, over the year my dad has brought new stuff out, I've bought new stuff, and I'm going home in an Explorer. Maybe we'll be strappin me to the roof :P

Anyway, I don't think I can drag this out any longer...if you didn't remember, change your clocks ahead one hour!! ;)

Ciao on this!

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