My Friends of Youth visit
2003-04-03 @ 7:07 p.m.

Awww man check out the new stuff!! :) Tell me if ya like it or not...beep!

So I went to this Friends of Youth was kinda strange. First I called the guy and asked if I should bring anything special, and he just said to bring my own homework to do since I'll probably just be doing that (okkkkay??).

Then I walked all down there, and he just sat me in this lil separate room to do my homework. I felt like one of the "bad" kids!! Actually one of the girls thought I was a bad kid. Haha it was funny, though, cuz the first thing she said to me was "Are you intelligent? You're pretty, but I don't swing that way." Like...what a great way to start off a conversation!! Haha I gotta try that sometime. Anyway, it was weird, cuz she was in 8th grade and she totally looked old enough to be my friend.

Then there was Joel, who was like twice my fuckin size, and probably a senior in highschool, who was suspended for death threats. He had his hoodie over his head almost the whole time and was tryin to sleep, but I guess that's not allowed!

Supposedly the deal was, all the kids there got in trouble at school and either had to go to that place or do community service. There they had to do homework all day, except it wasn't really homework..the people made them read fuckin substance abuse pamphlets...Amanda was reading this 20-page Anastasia book and Joel was "reading" one of those adult fiction books. They just sat them there and they had to ask permission to move!! That musta sucked. So then it turned into them asking ME permission to move.

The older people watcher thingies there were not particularly nice either. I guess they have to be strict and stuff, but they just seemed overly hostile which, in fact, does rub off on the kids and makes them hostile and have an attitude back.

I talked to the head lady once she showed up, and she had completely forgotten who I was. I told her that I had applied for workstudy, and she like flipped out on me cuz I hadn't called her back and she lost my application, but then she realized that I just applied two months ago or something, so that made her feel better. Either way, even after I told her that I came in and talked to her and she sent out things to my references and everything, she still could BARELY remember me. She asked if I dressed up for the "interview" which I didn't, but kinda pretended I did...haha oh well.

So I went there unpaid, but she wants me to come back for workstudy next year. I was thinkin about it..and I'd hafta be "assertive" or whatnot towards the kids which they translate as mean and like...why can't I help these kids without being mean? I wanted so badly just to talk to them...but they were forced to be quiet and work. You can't help a kid without getting to know them!! I wanna be their friend :D

It'll probably be good for me to get experience with kids I guess I'll do it. *takes deep breath* Just uhh....wish me luck ;)

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