D4D4 Lecture!!
2003-04-02 @ 12:03 p.m.

LMFAO!! I just had the BEST class...well most interesting at least!!

It was for Art History...and he was lecturing on D4D4 art (I don't wanna write it cuz I really don't want searches for it). If you don't know what that is, do a googley search for it or something! But it's basically art that's anti-art (i.e. signing a urinal and calling it your own!!)

Anyway, during the class, these are just some things that kids did :)

Threw spitballs, threw crumpled up paper, threw paper airplanes, turned on a hairdryer and erotically dried eachother off in front of the class, yelled "D4D4", put a hat on the teacher, wrote things on the board (including drawing stick figures doggie-style), banged pots and lids, blew really loud horns, someone came in and played the tuba, some kids hailed the artwork, played gospel and country music, two girls wore lampshades over their heads and walked around and ran into eachother, they TPed the room (including all the people AND the teacher), one girl did a handstand in front of the slides, another girl ran around flinging a boa, when he showed us the urinal slide, a girl stood up on a table and pretended to piss in it, they splashed water at us, threw confetti, walked around carrying a thong on a stick yelled "IT'S A CATCH!!", threw balls of clay at the wall (where the slides are shown), made a penis out of clay and put it on the teachers lamp, held a "got beer" poster in front of professors face, and then the teacher told us to "be an individual because no one's gonna give a fuck about you when you get out" while he threw condoms at us. Needless to say it was pretty interesting!! :D

Lots of fun, though...Awww I wanna go back!!! Uhmm anyway, that's all I have to say right now :) That class was crazy! *burp*

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