Ohhh Florida trip recap with FREE TIREDNESS
August 01, 2003 @ 10:05 p.m.

I can talk about florida now I guess!

It was bad, but it had some good times, too. I guess I'll try to squeeze both of them in there, and attempt to get shit in order, although no promises!

We got there at bout 11:30pm Sunday. The cabride from the airport was fuckin $ I haven't been in a cab in a while, but 25cents per 1/8 of a mile sounds like a bit too much to me. I thought it was normally 25cents for 1/4 of a mile, I said, it's been a while.

So we get there and all is well. My great gramma looks hella young for her age, anyway. She's happy to see us, and her cat is awesome! He's friggin huge, but not as big as cuddles! Even with all his pluffy fur.

Within the first five minutes of us getting there, she informs us that she lost $1000, so we have to go find it. Didn't find it. The moving men were coming the next morning to pack all her things, but we didn't know what time. My gramma had written down 8(?)am, so we figured we had to be up and ready by that early. Then in the morning we called and they said they'd come between 11 and 1pm...didn't show up until like 2:30, but we werent there at that point cuz we jumped on over to the new apt to get measurements.

When they got there, nothing was sorted or really ready to be packed. They were getting annoyed cuz they knew not all the stuff (particularly the kitchen stuff) would fit at the new place, and didn't feel like packing it and not being able to unpack it and have to sort thru it there, so great gramma stressed out and had a breakdown. It was kinda scary, but we got her back on track.

There were two guys there to pack. One was named David, and he was nice and all. THe other we didn't know his name, but referred to him as "Ja Rule" cuz that's what he wrote on all his boxes. He didn't speak very well English (from Haiti), but managed to hit on me while we were in her walk in closet. Twenty-two and he said he had 25 kids. CHARMING!

They turned on the TV to BET or something and had rap music really loud. Surprisingly Nana (as I will refer to her from now on) didn't care. She even danced to some 50 cent with "Ja Rule"...dey were gettin down! That was funny to see..I tried to get a picture, but when I got the camera, she was done.

I don't really know what else happened that day, except for me sneezing. Between the cat, dust, and smoke (no ventilation in florida houses!), I was sneezing my brains out. I was so fucking miserable that I could barely do anything, and I felt like a huge waste. Every hour or so I had to lay down to try and clear my head, and since I hold my sneezes in, my abs fuckin killed the next day. Lower abs...ABS OF STEEL!

mmm the first day was not a pleasant one. Mainly due to miss nana's memory loss. She doesn't remember two minutes ago. It's so bad it made my mom and I cry on multiple occasions. It's just sad to see someone deteriorate like that, and be in complete denial of it, too. Anyways, the memory thing got a lot worse the second day we were there.

That day the movers came back and moved everything. We had said we were going to pack that night..the rest of the stuff that the packers didn't get to (stuff that needed to be sorted), but we were so beat by the end of the day that we didn't do it. The guys didn't leave till 7:30pm or so.

So they had to move stuff with all this extra crap laying around...stuff that we would have to move later. I chose to stay at the house and continue packing this junk while my mom and nana went over with the dudes. Rasta men!

The nigt before we picked up allergey meds for me, but since I just HAD to get the store brand, it didn't do shit and I kept sneezing all day.

This neighbor, Pauline, was there with me helping me sort and pack, except all I wanted her to do was to leave me alone. She was telling me what I should be doing, and anytime I went to do something else, she'd follow me around and watch me do it with a disaproving gaze. Fuck that! She even told me to clean out the dead cockroaches from underneath the sink. There were like ten of the suckers, and just looking at it made me uneasy. They were actually under every sink, and still are since I left them there ;)

I felt bad though, cuz I went in the other room to lay down to calm my sinuses and I fell asleep on the floor. She came in to check up on me and woke me up...but damn I was tired.

Oh man, muh nana wanted me to sleep with her, too! She said one of us could sleep on the couch, and the other with her..of course my mom right away says she wants the couch, so I, by default, get to sleep with my great gramma! Now...I still have nightmares about sleeping with her, cuz she used to call me her "bed buddy" and would make me hold her hand all night...and then walk around her room naked in the morning. It was bad! Umm but since she forgot this arrangement three times before we went to bed, I got to pull out the couch and sleep with mumpa. The first night I was sooo tired, and my mom stayed up watching tv, then had the bathroom light on (which is SUPER bright) so she could pluck her eyebrows until 3am...and then was smokin and bein weird, so I kinda said some nasty words. She decided to sleep on the floor, using a table cloth as a blankie. It wasn't my doing...she just wanted to read!

I'm jumping around a hell of a lot, sorry. But while I was at the old house packing up stuff alone, my mom sent nana over to pick me up, but I thought maybe she just wanted her out of the house, so I was kinda stalling there...couldn't for very long though.

The rest of the day we just spent helping the movers unpack, and there was some more dancing to rap music with an old lady.

Again, at the end of the day we were exhausted. We went to this one restaurant though, and there were SO many cute guys I thought I was in heaven. I was probably just excited because all I had seen were old people and the movers at that point, but young men in florida just...get me excited, I dunno. It just feels so wrong! I had some long island ice tea, and lemme tell you, that drink is fucking awesome. Next time I drink, that's what I'm havin! Yes ma'am! It doesnt even taste like alcohol...sooo soo good. Our waiter was sexy and nice AND a bartender! Yum :)

Wednesday we chilled a lil bit. We slept in till 9:30 or so and then went looking for a table for her new house. This ended up at Sawgrass Mills (the two-mile mall), which we could only stay at for bout thirty minutes cuz her feet were hurting her, and she HATES to not be the center of attention. Jesus you shoulda heard the verbal beating we got when we got back to the car...(you young people are so self-centered, always thinking about yourself, leave me here all alone, blah blah blah). I'm sorry, but I'm just realizing now that she's the one that's so self-centered, and it made me so angry, because we were down there helping her, when we knew damn well if we werent there it would be near impossible for her to get this all done. And she couldn't give us a little free time? You stop paying attention to her for a second and she starts crying. I know I'm insecure, but not that damn insecure.

Now that that's off my chest :) another thing that bothered me down there is that all the hired help is black. Seriously it got to me, deep! I felt like I was part of this snobbish, rich white population, and slaves still existed where they were just there to wait on us. I was almost embarassed.

Ohhh Wednesday was the day that my great gramma forgot who we were. Well she kept asking where she met us, because the age difference was so great, but she was glad that she met us because we were very helpful. Then she didn't realize that the other lady there was my mom, or her grandaughter...

That led to some sad sad moments. Actually the conversation lasted a few hours, her asking over and over again how she met my mom, and when she moved down to florida, and how young she was when she met her. Before that she thought my mom was her daughter, and thought she was 60...shit was fuckin scary, I tell ya. I hope to god if I'm ever like that, I can tell enough to kill myself, because I wouldn't want to put anyone else through that.

But uhh.we tried to stay semi light-hearted about most things, and explained to her that it was her apartment now, and she didnt live at the old place anymore. And that we lived in NY and were family...and eventually joked around about stuff to get everyone semi-cheerful again.

The latter half of the day we worked hard at putting stuff away, and bringing everything from the old apartment to the new one. They turned off the power to the old apt early Wed, though, so there was no air and no refrigerator (which was still jam-packed with food). Oh, and the phone got hooked up to the wrong phone number, so the old phone was shut off, and the new one wasn't turned on no communication was happening!

Moving on cuz I wanna go to bed...Thursday, the highlight of my day was that we went to a deli and they played "closer" by NIN uncensored! Wooo... And uhh...nana kept asking if we could stay, which made us feel horrible about leaving, cuz she kept sayin how she didn't like the new place (it was full of invalids...bad...), but we had to!

All these little details I keep forgetting, but I really don't want to write anymore.

It was a bad trip, then an okay trip...but god damn I was glad to be home. Except for the jealousy of my mom and tyke...which I'm sure I'll get into later cuz it's still goin on, so GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY! Long day tomorrow...goin to Joisey for a family get-together honoring the death of a...get this, family member!...(speaking of Jersey, he went to the SPCA, so...sadness...but...ahhh...night).

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