Aww Chrispy :D :D
May 04, 2003 @ 6:27 p.m.

Oh man! I won a belt!! Haha well ...on ebay....It's one of those seatbelt buckle belts and I dunno why, but I've always wanted one of those!! It has bottle caps all around it, and yeah... I hafta stop tho cuz seriously I have 30-sumpin bids out there right now, and definitely not enough money for that! I keep thinking, ya know...this summer I'll be working and having money, but I hafta save up and everything.

I can't believe Krammy said Meegs wasn't sexy! I mean I can understand him not bein her type...but...Meegs...aww Meegs...YOU HURT HIS FEELINGS!!! *bitchspank*

Oooh I tried to study outside on a bench today, but it was kinda frilly!! I was also gettin real sidetracked and just watching all the lil chipmunks and butterflies instead of looking at the art..


The weirdest things happen in the morning for me right when I'm getting up. This morning I was having a "conversation" with my alarm clock. It'd go off, and I'd talk to it and push the snooze button, and then I'd fall back asleep and while I was asleep it'd talk back to me...haha I dunno it was this cycle thing for an hour and a half..cuz it went off at 10:30 and I didn't wake up till noon!!

I can't wait to get home n see everybody :D!! I'm startin to get real excited. is my stepmom's birthday. I just remembered.... Should I call?? That's a toughie, cuz if I do, it'll be real awkward since we don't like eachother and we haven't talked over the phone in hmm....I don't think we ever have, actually!! The only times I've talked to her was to ask for muh pappy! Buuuuuut I hafta be polite, right? *hides*

SHIT HELP ME OUT!!! hmmmmm....

congratulations you are currently the highest bidder!! *sigh*

I better go look at more stuff on ebay before I start twitching from withdrawals!!


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.oO Dig Into The Past Oo.
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Goodbye - April 22, 2004
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