Relax...don't do it...
2003-04-19 @ 11:25 p.m.

Oh I just watched Zoolander. I'm in this mood where...I don't know. Incredible boredom and aloneness!

And I really have no desire to write. But I'm doin it for YOU!

I'm making popcorn, and I don't like popcorn with butter, but this is butter lovers kind, and I can hear the fuckin butter boiling in there. It's kinda gross. I'm hungry tho so I'll make sacrifices.

You know what I want? is a big fat juicy hamburger. Cheeseburger! With barbecue sauce and lettuce on a big special seedy bulky bun!!

I love picking up popcorn with my tongue. I just put it all down on a plate and I'm dippin down...haha it's fun!!

Now it's tea time.

I wish I had something insightful to say.

My pappy and I talked on the phone yesterday for an hour. That was pretty cool cuz I was feeling lonely then and kinda wished I had someone to talk to. But naughty Pappy called at 11:30 at night. He deserves a spanking. And you all should eat shit and die for making that weird scrunched-up face at me.

Last night was pretty pathetic. It was 5am or around there, and I was still awake. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I came back to my room, people were talking, so I actually stood outside in the hallway and listened to their conversation. They talked about penises and bare asses, so at least I got some entertainment. But I was pretty damn bored.

My brother's birthday is Monday. And you know what? I didn't get him anything. I was trying to convince my mom to go in with me to buy him a videocamera, but she wanted to get him a digital camera. He barely knows how to use a fucking computer. Anyway, I don't think she's buying him one anyway, so I just never got him anything. It's sad, really.

I need a car. Well, a license first. Then I could spend money. How great would that be? I'd go around to yard sales across the country. A yard sale tour! And then I'd write a book about it and all the lil yardsale gramma hogs would buy it and I'd be rich and use my money to promote more yardsales. Well that's my dream anyway.

I want a big piece of bread. No wait, I want a hamburger. I want eggplant parm.

I don't say much in conversations online anymore. If you notice that, don't take offense--I just kinda stopped. You know, cuz I'm too busy being bored. I don't know why it is, really, but I'm just stating the facts.

I shall be departing now!!


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