Me caffeinated
2002-12-17 @ 8:28 a.m.

I've never been this excited...about the morning!!! haha I'm still listening to techno music!!! And I really like these songs and I have no idea what they are cuz my old computer crashed and like...the songlist was on there!

Anyways uhhh I just got back from a lil morning stroll!! I went to the post office and luckily I got mail!! Haha it was a christmas card from my great gramma. I appreciate it and all, but it didnt have my name on it and it was signed "love, lu and buddy" haha now I've NEVER called her lu so it seemed too impersonal to me and quite frankly...I'm insulted! but what can you ask for? haha she thinks I don't love her oh well.

Oh and THEN I went to the mckinleys place and I got some grub!! WOOT! I was gonna save it until tomorrow cuz I really wasn't hungry but I'm a lil pig *oink* so I just ate it all right now! Well it was bacon egg and cheese on a bagel! *drool* and a hash brown which...wasn't that satisfying. They're too greasy or something, but I have my pink lemonade here to keep me company! When I was walkin back to my dorm I was REALLY smiley and I couldn't help it, but I felt like I was bringing food home to surprise them with breakfast in the morning so I was a lil let down when I brought it back to an empty room, but it's okay cuz I'm still happy :D

OH MY PAPPY JUST EMAILED ME!!! *checks it* hehe oh he thanked me for something I didn't give him. Now I feel all cheeseballish. Haha he's prolly gonna be very worried about me by my crackheadish email!! He doesn't know that much about me...I bet he'd be surprised if he knew the real me. Sometimes I feel bad I don't really talk to him or anything, but it's hard for me to get close to him and confide in him and everything..and I know he's a great person, he's just done some things I'm not too fond of and it's hard to get respect back from me I guess!

oh i think my lemonade is almost least it's not moldy! *giggle*

There were a lot of strange people out this early in the morning. I guess finals are still going on, but it's like...damn people...I thought I'd be the only one up! And everyone was lookin at me funny...maybe cuz I was walking around with a HUGE smile all by my lonesome! That'd make me look at summone funny too. :)

oh my juice isn't gone! I was just pressing too hard on the straw! haha oy! oOo the walk energized me more. I thought it would be warm out for some reason (??) but it's only 20degrees and uhh I was chilly! But did you ever notice that when you're happy you don't really feel the cold? I mean I felt it and all, but it didn't bother me that my hands were numb :) GO GET SOME GLOVES! Oh and I hadta walk in the snow like a rebel! I hate sidewalks! haha my wrists are hurting cuz I'm typing too fast...No one's gonna read this anyway cuz it's too long! So I'll just keep my excitement to myself! I love you Chris!! :D! hehe Goodnight!!!

OH I JUST WANNA SAY I JUST BUMPED INTO THE JANITOR LADY PERSON! haha she prolly think's I'm a lil out there too *burp* rub yerself up! lol night

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